Hi !

May 11, 2006

Hello world !

Sorry, but we have been very busy in a past two weeks, and couldn't do anything new. And you know, the end of school is near, so we need to do some unfinished stuff…

we will make something really soon 😉

and thank you for votes in google idol ! we really appreciate that !

peace out

Happy Easter!

April 17, 2006


Happy Easter everybody! First, we would like to thank all of you for your votes, and now we are in the quarterfinals!!!!!!!

We just made another video, (kind of easter egg 🙂 ) so you will be able to see it in just a couple of days!
Stay tuned!

By the way you can contact us via e-mails – audriusdarius@gmail.com

peace out

So we wake up this morning and see a very nice email "You're live at Google Idol!" 🙂

We really couldn't believe that we've been chosen 🙂 Afterall it's our first video !!
And now you need to Vote! Our opponents are really strong – their video is really funny.

We're expecting your support! So vote every day!

Google Idol

Peace out


April 8, 2006

Hi! Let us introduce ourselves

We are two guys from Lithuania. We recently started making some lame improvisation videos (inspired by famous Pomme & Kelly).
And you know thats really a great fun 🙂 so thats all for now.

You can check out our very first videos Move your feet and Highway to hell

Peace out